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Personal data

Matchis processes personal data. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Matchis complies with the accountability obligation to take technical and organisational measures against infringement and loss of personal data.

Matchis considers the protection of personal data to be very important. Because, as a centre for stem cell donors, it works with your personal data on a daily basis, including data about your health, it is of great importance to Matchis to guarantee reliable and secure processing of personal data.

The General Data Protection Regulation guarantees the careful handling of personal data, you can download our Donor Privacy Policy here. For questions about the processing of personal data, you can contact the data protection officer (



Matchis processes personal data for the following purposes:

  • Finding a suitable donor for the patient.
  • Recruitment and registration of stem cell donors

Recruitment and registration of stem cell donors

During the recruitment and selection of stem cell donors, personal data is requested. This concerns the name and address details, gender, date of birth, origin (country of origin of (fore)parents), telephone number, e-mail address and relevant medical data.

Personal data is used to inform donors about relevant developments and for donor retention. The personal data is used for donor and fundraising with the aim of finding and matching the right donor and to be able to pay for the donation of stem cells.

The means used to achieve the goal include:

  • Optimizing campaigns, events for donor and fundraising
  • Actions to monitor and improve the quality of personal data
  • KPI reports for internal business operations
  • Research/analysis

The personal data provided is necessary for contact with the donor during the registration process, the exclusion of donors from campaigns and when calling for stem cell donation. Personal data including name and address details are stored by Stichting Matchis in a secure database, using internally developed software.

Relevant characteristics for finding a match, including the so-called HLA typing, gender, blood group and age are recorded in the worldwide database of stem cell donors - with a donor number that cannot be traced back to the identity of the person. Only the Matchis Foundation has access to data that can be traced back to the identity of the donor.

Use of personal data in stem cell donation

If a match is found, data is provided to the treating transplant center. This is personal and medical data, but anonymized and is communicated with an identical donor number. In this way, the identity of the donor is protected for the recipient. The data is important for the treatment of the recipient and can also be used for scientific research.

Only the Matchis Foundation can trace the donor using the donor number. During follow-up checks of the donor, medical data is also recorded that is important to be able to exclude any risks of a donation or to be able to recognize them in time. The follow-up data is made available to the center that collects the stem cells. At the moment, these are the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and the Radboud University Medical Center.