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Student Campaign

On this page you can find more information about organizing a recruitment campaign within your student or study association. The purpose of this is to draw attention to stem cell donation, but especially to register new stem cell donors.

Isn't it a wonderful thought that someone who registered as a stem cell donor during your campaign might just be the person who can give a peer, a mother, a father or perhaps even a young child a last chance at life?

What do we need from you?

Choose a date on which you would like to organize a campaign (this can of course also be done in consultation with us) and arrange a good location where you can stand with permission. And don't forget: gather a number of good friends/members within the association who are enthusiastic and want to help you; Together you achieve more than alone!

Tip: When planning a date, try to avoid exam periods and holidays. The more visitors the better!

Of course, you are not alone. Don't worry, we are here to support your campaign. To make it easier for you, we provide:

  • Promotional material 
  • A training (via email/telephone or live) to be able to correctly register new stem cell donors 
  • Support from our volunteer and event coordinator who you can contact with all your questions

Important information

The registration process takes approximately 10 minutes and consists of completing an online registration form. After the form has been completed, a registration set with swabs will be sent to the specified home address to complete the registration as a stem cell donor.

Registration is possible for anyone between the ages of 18 and 55. However, we are mainly looking for donors between the ages of 18 and 35 because research shows that the chances of recovery for the patient increase if the stem cells come from a younger donor. Students therefore fit the bill perfectly in that respect!

All donors are registered in the worldwide register of stem cell donors. In the Netherlands, Matchis is the only organization where you can register as a stem cell donor. If you are already an organ donor or blood donor, that does not automatically mean that you are also a stem cell donor. For that, you must register separately with Matchis.


Do you want to organize a recruitment campaign or do you need more information? 
Then contact us!


Recruitment campaign by M.S.V. Tragos

Promotional package student campaigns

In collaboration with U.V.S.V. / N.V.V.S.U. Matchis has designed a package with promotional material that can help student associations organize a campaign to recruit new stem cell donors. Curious about what the package consists of? Watch the video below that was made by students of U.V.S.V. / N.V.V.S.U. (in Dutch)

Promotion package for student campaigns